

Language Learning:

These activities may include language games, storytelling sessions, vocabulary-building exercises, and language immersion activities to expose children to different languages and cultures.

Art & Craft:

Art and craft activities are an integral part of the co-curricular program at Sharp Kids Care. These activities allow children to express their creativity and imagination while developing fine motor skills.


Drawing is a specific focus within the co-curricular activities to develop children's visual and artistic skills further. Drawing activities also promote attention to detail, observation, and hand-eye coordination.


Dance activities are an exciting way for children to express themselves through movement and rhythm. Dance not only promotes physical fitness but also helps children develop self-expression, creativity, and coordination.


Music plays a vital role in a child's cognitive and emotional development. Singing, playing instruments, and participating in musical games help enhance children's auditory skills, memory, and concentration.

Indoor and Outdoor Sports:

Physical activities are an essential part of the co-curricular program at Sharp Kids Care.

Non-Fire Cooking:

Cooking teaches children the importance of being self-reliant in terms of daily sustenance. This is important because it also teaches them the importance of food in general.

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